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JM Agency to Attend Frankfurt Buchmesse 2022

We are delighted to announce we will be attending the Frankfurt Buchmesse, the world’s largest book trade fair, this October. Jeremy and other members of the JM Agency team will be present at Frankfurt between Friday the 21st of October and Sunday the 23rd.

Our mission will be to secure our incredible authors the very best publishing and other commercial opportunities. Publishers need to discover those special manuscripts, and we have them.

We also hope to introduce our fantastic publishing services, including editing, book design and book marketing services, to publishers and other trade partners. We have partnered with Irish publishers on some fantastic books, ensuring editing, design and marketing was done to an exceptional standard, so we are excited to meet new Irish and international publishing houses to partner with at Frankfurt.

If you are attending Frankfurt on these dates, and you would like a arrange a meeting with Jeremy, please email your request and we will do our utmost to accommodate you.

An international financial centre, Frankfurt is perhaps an unlikely location for a publishing trade fair, but the Frankfurt Buchmesse is the world’s largest, with the biggest negotiations for book rights and licenses happening within its midst. It is organised and managed by the German Publishers and Booksellers Association, and it typically attracts almost 10,000 trade exhibitors every year, with over 100 countries represented. In 2022, JM Agency is proud to join the rank of trade exhibitors.